View a summary of all your charges.




Completed Charge Count

View a count of each completed charge done to a specific battery percentage.

Completed Charge Count Detail

Click on the battery percentage displayed in the completed charge count above to view a list of all charges completed to the specified battery percentage.

This view displays the final range achieved after the charge completed and displays the estimated range in which it would equate to at 100% charge.

Click on the battery icon to view the full detail of the specific charge.

Charge Count At Location

View the number of charges at each specific location.

Displays the number of charges, total kWh added at the location and the average efficiency of the location.

Click on the number of charges to view a list of each charge done at the location.

Supercharger Count

View the numbers of Supercharges at each Supercharger.

Click on the numbers of Supercharges to view a list of each Supercharge done at the location.